23 Aralık 2014 Salı

VLOOKUP function - 15 different usage scenarios

VLOOKUP function is one of the most powerfull function in Excel.

We can explain 15 different usage for you. 

1. Exact match (typical scenario). 

2. Close match (for numbers)

3. Wildcard characters  (* and ?)

4. With error control (iferror). 

5. With error control (if  iserror)

6. Compare two lists

7. With MATHC function. Two dimensional.

8. With ROW function. 

9. Winth COLUNN function. 

10. With IF function. 

11. With LOOKUP function. 

12. With CHOOSE function. 

13. Winth SUM function. And Array usage.

14. With INDIRECT function. 

15. Other usages.

18 Kasım 2014 Salı

userform validation

' textbox must be filled

If txtAdiSoyadi.Text = "" Then
   MsgBox " name textbox must be filled!!!!!!!!!"
   Exit Sub
End If

If txtTcKimlikNo.Text = "" Then
   MsgBox "ID textbox must be filled!!!!!!!!"
   Exit Sub
End If

14 Kasım 2014 Cuma

EXCEL VBA - how many rows data we are going to handle in loop?

Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

MsgBox (Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
          ' from bottom to the last filled cell

With Cells :

MsgBox (Cells(Sheets("Sheet1").Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)

17 Ağustos 2014 Pazar

Excel shortcut keys: Ctrl and 8

Excel Shortcut Keys – Ctrl and 8

To hide and display the outline symbols, press Ctrl+8

To restore the outline symbols again, press Ctrl+8 

Note: First use Data / Groups tool on typical data and then use these keys to hide and display grouping symbols. 

16 Haziran 2014 Pazartesi

Using Smiley icon in Excel

Using Smiley icon in Excel is one of the most asked questions. 
First of all, is is a character like J,K,L. But is Windings font. 

You should build your IF sentences accordingly. Then create charater with CHAR function. 
Such as; IF (a1>b2;CHAR(74);.......).  Then format the cells where smileys are seen with Windings. 

Excelskill.com, is a very unique Excel training video site, provides hundreds of video that shows advanced Excel topics. Videos presented by very experienced and talent Microsoft Certified Trainer - Faruk Cubukcu.
Most videos are unique solutions that will be easily adapted to your job. You can watch these videos to see how Excel makes it easy to use Excel functions (such as LARGE, MID, VLOOKUP, LOOKUP and SUMIF functions). Also data analysis skills, sort and filter features and advanced use of Pivot tables and charts.
There are many videos to learn advanced use of IF function. Including nested IF functions, IF with AND
You can learn conditional formatting and data validation techniques in a custom way. Also how to use the functions in various scenarios, in large spreadsheet, and on other worksheets and workbooks.
Excelskill.com videos categorized by, general, data analysis, finance, statistics, macros and VBA. All videos recorded in Excel 2013, but most of them relevant to the 2010 and 2007 versions as well. After you have watched the videos, you can download the data file and make hands-on exercises on them. 

22 Mayıs 2014 Perşembe

About Faruk Cubukcu,

Faruk Cubukcu is an IT expert mostly worked as a trainer for companies and large organizations. He is a best-selling author, also wrote the coursewares for all courses.
He has been training Microsoft Excel since for more than twenty years (Since Excel 5).
He has enormous experience in Excel training mostly worked with business users – accounting, finance, sales and marketing, human resources and production departments.